Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
This guide will tell you what you need to get started to overcome limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs keep you from reaching your most significant potential.
Limiting beliefs get in the way of what you think is possible for yourself and keep you from living your happiest, most fulfilling life.
So, if you are ready to let go of and clear the limiting beliefs that keep you off your best path, then look no further than this guide.
Let’s dive right in.

What are limiting beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are exactly what they sound like. My definition for limiting beliefs is: “beliefs that limit what you believe is possible for yourself or what you will allow in your life.”
There are amazing things that want to show up in your life, but...
When you have self-limiting beliefs, those things struggle to show up because you often won’t let them (for a variety of reasons).
Whatever your limiting beliefs are, they restrict the scope of how you see the world.
Limiting beliefs keep you from seeing all that there is to the world.
Think about how the world looks when looking through the peephole in a door.
The scope is limited, and you can’t see all that there is to see.
If you were to look at life through that peephole 24/7, how much of life would you miss?
Limiting beliefs act like that peephole.
Limiting beliefs keep you from seeing what is possible for yourself.
Maybe you see your dream job and think, “I am not capable or qualified enough for it,” so you don’t even apply.
Maybe you have let society trick you into thinking you are bad with numbers, so then you don’t even try to manage your money.
Maybe you have been hurt in a relationship, so rather than try again, you say to yourself, “it’s not worth it.”
Limiting beliefs can also keep you from taking action to be your most authentic and powerful self.
Your limiting beliefs can also lead to what is called change blindness.
Change blindness keeps you from seeing anything inconsistent with your current reality (the reality created by those pesky limiting beliefs).
In other words, when you have limiting beliefs, you only see what you are prepared to see, nothing more, nothing less.
The good news is, you can change this with the techniques later in this guide!
Want help to overcome your limiting beliefs?
Step Ten: YOUR CLEAR PATH of the 10 Steps to Happily Ever After walks step-by-step through clearing the beliefs that limit happiness and help you determine what exactly is holding you back from reaching the growth and success you deserve.
The $30 step comes complete with the full guide, Limiting Beliefs Exercise + Worksheet, and an accompanying video with Tomi Llama as your guide — plus a bonus, The Invitation CD.
Sign up today to continue your journey and reach new heights!

Where do limiting beliefs come from?
Limiting beliefs comes from the different things that happen in your life.
Many limiting beliefs develop in childhood when you aren’t always able to process what happens to you.
When something traumatic happens, the feelings from that moment can remain stuck in your psyche. It then becomes like a skip on a record, stopping you in the same place over and over.
Whatever choice you made to remain safe at that moment, you play out over and over as you grow up.
If you don’t address what happened in your childhood, you might find yourself in your 50s, letting what happened when you were a child dictate your significant life choices.
Limiting beliefs can also come from your family.
Your family’s belief system plays a significant role in how you view and interact with the world.
Sylvia Lafair, a family therapist turned expert leadership consultant, says in her book Don’t Bring It To Work: Breaking Family Patterns that Limit Success that,
Your family belief system influences how you look at and interact with the world.
We don’t always tailor our actions to the actual demands of a situation.
Instead, we fall back on old ways of responding that are emotionally laden and sometimes horrendously counterproductive.
Adopting behavior we first encountered in our families, we do the same thing over and over again - even if it kills us. We remain imprisoned by our pasts. (p. 21)
The family system you grew up in, for better or worse, powerfully shapes what you believe about life and how you interact with the world.
Within your family system, there are expectations of who you should be and the role you should fill.
Maybe you have always been expected to care for the other members of your family.
Maybe your parents always said or showed it’s not safe to stand out.
Those expectations of who you should be can shape the way that you think about things, both in your family and beyond, if you don’t address them.
These family beliefs and expectations can impact the way you think about money, relationships, work, how happy you think you deserve to be, and more.
Limiting beliefs can also come from relationships with friends or significant others, experiences at work, or random interactions.
These beliefs tend to build upon the ones already coming from your family system and your childhood. It’s a double whammy.
Here are some limiting beliefs examples that can impact the way someone sees the world:
If you had a partner who cheated on you or betrayed your trust, maybe you started to think you can’t trust in a relationship because you will only get hurt.
If you had a bad experience with a bank or financial advisor, maybe you decide you can’t trust them.
If you struggled in school growing up, maybe you didn’t feel smart or worthy of success.
In my case, I was born deathly ill with a learning disability, so no matter what I did, I always felt like I wasn’t good enough.
My experiences throughout the years just piled on top of that belief. They kept me from stepping into my most powerful self until I recognized the limiting belief created by that childhood experience.

Overcoming limiting beliefs is easier than you think.
The way that you clear limiting beliefs is by recognizing them and letting go of them.
Step Ten of the 10 Steps to Happily Ever After offers clear steps to change limiting beliefs with one of my favorite techniques.
The five steps identified on the worksheet are simple and yet take you in a deep dive. Consistently and frequently using the steps leads to a light, fulfilling, and happy life.
As you begin to clear your limiting beliefs, you will start seeing all of the different possibilities available to you, and you will be ready for any opportunities life presents to you.
You don’t have to replace these limiting beliefs with new ones. You just have to sit in the possibilities of each moment and see what’s there for you.
Consider starting each day by inviting the field of infinite possibilities to show you what it’s got.
I do that each morning by saying, “Show me the magic!”
Another good one is to wake up and say, “What else is possible?”
These statements invite your mind to expand its vision, so the peephole keeps getting bigger and bigger and you keep getting happier and happier!
Tools & Worksheets to reach new levels of happiness
Step Ten: YOUR CLEAR PATH of the 10 Steps to Happily Ever After walks step-by-step through clearing the beliefs that limit happiness.
The Limiting Beliefs Exercise + Worksheet will help you determine what is holding you back and clears the way for growth like you’ve never imagined.
The $30 step comes complete with the full guide, Limiting Beliefs Exercise + Worksheet, and an accompanying video with Tomi Llama as your guide — plus a bonus, The Invitation CD.
Sign up today to continue your journey and see high you can climb — once you clear your limiting beliefs!